Monday, September 1, 2014

Catching up with the progress

Ok so with this post I am going to bring you guys up to date with everything I've done before starting the blog so sit back!                                                       

On to the yard, some grass was installed: ( Yes the Robellinis were there, just needed a haircut to show their full potential)
Look at all that wasted space in between each palm!

Looked around Craigslist until I found someone trying to get rid of a pile of dirt. Sweeet find! 

It all started with a pile of dirt

So the beds came about..

and some more beds...

and moreeeee!!
Future watermelon pods

I then fenced a section of the garden:

And planted some peppers on there ( I now start everything I can from seed, I will do an entry about that later on)

I also bird proofed it:
Girlfriend appearance so rare on the garden that I posted this pic even if it was blurry

My watermelon pods are producing, can you see the yellow flowers?

And of course my nick name would not be Banana Nick if I didn't have a set of bananas on deck:
The bananas are all different types but I didn't label them so as I get fruit I will do so.

Now for an update on the front of the house, as you can see some smurf blue went on the walls and I decorated the tree bases with some flowers.

I used rocks that were laying around my property to keep the soil from eroding away:
If you can find rocks around your property, use them! They are free and look pretty nice arranged.

And I wanted to finish this post with a little project I started right around the time I bought the house. It is called a pond-on-a-pot!

This is how is started

And is now looking great:!!

The fish keep mosquitoes at bay.  It is definitely one of my favorites projects so far.

I have lots more to share with you guys but I wont make this post any longer! 

Until next post, keep on learning!

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