Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to Propagate Gold Moss

Gold Moss (Sedum Sarmentosum), also known as Stringy Stone Crop or Graveyard Moss is a succulent made for the financially challenged gardener =D

I can't help but notice that some of the most common "weeds" that grow around my property can be pretty attractive on their own right. Take for example these Boat Lilies that grow all along my eastern fence. I think they look great:

On my yard you can also find these weeds that produce some crazy purple flowers. In the pic below you see them growing next to my Sunflowers. I have no idea what they are called unfortunately:


I have a few other "attractive weeds" that grow around the property but I will get back to the subject matter: Gold Moss!!

The stonecrop looked so attractive just laying around in the wild that I had to domesticate it. My own version of bringing a wild Mustang into submission! Well, sort of..

My Zamioculca plant was the perfect Guinea Pig. Bwahahaha!! I chose the ZZ plant because it is a very low maintenance resident. Perfect companion for the stringy stonecrop who can also do quite well without you in the picture. Burn!

ZZ plant already  looking good, but she could look better.

So in went the finger:

And a few cutting were lightly buried and watered:

This is how she looked after just 10 days!!!!

And today!
The added hanging effect is bad ass!!

As an added bonus you get some pretty cool star shaped flowers, 
Since my Gold Moss hasn't flowered yet, I stole this pic off the internet. I fear for my life.

I could safely say I am fully addicted to this plant and WILL be spreading it around other spots in the garden.

In the words of Winnie the Pooh:  “Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.” 

Keep on learning!

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